Cold Plasma for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Safety

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On Demand

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Location: On-Demand

Event Details

Short Description: This talk will cover various applications of cold atmospheric pressure plasma in the domain of food and agriculture, the current status, challenges, and the future of the technology.


Cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAPP) is a novel non-thermal technology that has gained attention in food and agricultural applications. Plasma, the fourth state of matter, offers a good alternative to conventional disinfection methods due to the generation of a mixture of reactive species that are effective in the destruction of microorganisms.

Plasma-activated water (PAW) is generated by exposing water to plasma in the presence of air at atmospheric pressure. The reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) in PAW have been shown to inactivate microbes as well as influence plant growth.

This talk will cover various applications of CAPP and PAW in the domain of food and agriculture, the current status, challenges, and the future of the technology.


This sessions is part of the Scientific Discovery Workgroup Research Promotion (Pre-Tenured Faculty)

