Extraction of Phospholipids From Dairy By-Products Using Switchable Solvents and Utilization Phospholipids in Ice-Cream Manufacturing

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Location: On-Demand

Event Details

Short Description: PLs are valuable bioactive obtained from the waste of dairy manufacturing stream, these by-products are isolated using sustainable smart solvents which can be reused several times. Ice-cream serves as a potential vehicle for utilizing these PLs and converting to a highly beneficial end product.


The session focuses on a sustainable research work that was to develop a cost-effective extraction process for phospholipids from dairy byproducts by using switchable solvents. This new class of solvents can be abruptly and reversibly switched between a hydrophobic and hydrophilic form by simply bubbling or removing CO2. The central hypothesis of the proposed research effort is that intelligent combination of switchable solvent), temperature, and time will provide a cost-effective process for the extraction of phospholipids from dairy byproducts without the need of distillation nor the use of volatile, flammable, or chlorinated solvents. Further, utilization of the dairy by-products enriched in phospholipids in the manufacturing of ice cream, which provides potential health benefits, advantages of natural emulsification and potential chances of replacement of non-fat dry milk. Overall, the research focusses on the utilization of underutilized products to a valuable end product.

This session is part of the Scientific Discovery Workgroup Research Promotion (Pre-Tenured Faculty)

