What is the future of sustainable packaging? - Multi-Session Conversation

Event Time

Originally Aired - Tuesday, July 12 9:45 AM - 11:00 AM CST

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Event Location

Location: McCormick Place, Room S402AB

Event Details


This session will bring together diverse voices and perspectives from select on-demand presentations that relate to this Guiding Question. The moderated discussion will outline challenges and opportunities for how to address the question, following by an extended Q&A period where attendees will have the opportunity to engage with presenters and other attendees.

Participating Sessions

Want to learn more about Multi-Session Conversations, click here.

Participating Sessions or Posters

Changing Processes to Increase Profitability and Environmental Sustainability

EVOH Enables Design-for-Recycling High Barrier Packaging for Extended Shelf Life

Sustainable Food Packaging Solutions

