How Do You Choose the Right Plant-Based Protein Ingredient for NPD?

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Short Description: Many new plant-based ingredients are entering the market and many new plant-based products are in development. This presentation will provide guidance on how to navigate these overwhelming choices for NPD.


Developing plant-based foods offers an overwhelming number of choices that need to be made. Which product category do I want to serve, meat or fish alternatives or dairy alternative or egg replacement? Moreover, the choice of plant-based ingredients is overwhelming: cereals, nuts, pulses, oilseeds, and many more. On top of that, many new plant-based ingredients are entering the market, such as protein ingredients produced by fermenation. Different plant sources all have different characteristics. Even within the same plant source, large differences can be found due to production processing of the protein ingredient.

Different factors and/or stakeholders need to be taken into account for making the decision, including consumer preference, environmental impact, nutritional composition, and functional characteristics. Taste and flavor are important for consumer preference. However, consumers also show preference based on familiarity with a protein source, as you can see in the dairy alternative aisle. Plant-based ingredients from different origins have different characteristic off-flavors. Next to the taste and flavor of protein ingredients, every product needs specific ingredients with the right functional characteristics to get a stable product with the right texture. This is the aspect of technical functionality. In addition, environmental impact and nutritional composition are important factors to take into account. The importance of these two factors may depend on the brand identity of your products. This presentation provides an overview of different factors and guidance on how to choose the right ingredients for the development of plant-based NPD.

