Clear Sustainability Messaging to Consumers Through Packaging and Digital Innovations

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On Demand

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Location: On-Demand

Event Details

Short Description: This session focuses on high-level consumer communication strategies through packaging to motivate consumers to make more sustainable choices. Robert Lilienfeld, the executive director at SPRING, will cover practical approaches and emerging digital components in intelligent packaging applications to achieve the goal of more sustainable food systems.


There is a growing concern about the sustainability of both packaging and the food system. In addition to providing the necessary protection and containment, packaging plays a critical role in improving the sustainability of foods by functioning as a communication tool. Therefore, the critical need for consistent messaging can be provided through strategizing about date-labeling involving use-by and use-up dates. Industry 4.0 tools such as smart refrigerators and packages that communicate with each other offer a unique opportunity. The advancements in the use of QR codes involving information from various sources, and that can communicate with a wide variety of consumer and advocacy groups such as consumers, environmentalists, and chefs, can be utilized to strategically target sustainability messaging. This session provides a practical discussion on the use of packaging technologies to communicate sustainability efforts to target consumer groups. 



