Opening Debate: Should We Eat More Processed Foods?

Event Time

Originally Aired - Monday, July 11 8:15 AM - 9:30 AM CST

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Event Location

Location: McCormick Place, S100 Ballroom & Live Streamed

Event Details

Short Description: Join us for an engaging debate on the very hot topic of food processing. Cast your vote: Should We Eat More Processed Food?


Processed food is bad for you, right? Well, there’s more to this story. As new technologies create foods that can’t be made in home kitchens, such as plant-based meats and dairy products made with plant proteins, the question of whether we should all be consuming more highly processed foods is up for debate. Advocates say a substantial increase in food processing is the best way to feed growing human populations while also reducing food waste. We should trust – and invest – in food technology that can make our global food supply healthier and more sustainable, including highly or ultra-processed foods. Opponents argue that these kinds of foods are often less nutritious, and are commonly linked to adverse health indices, particularly when it comes to ultra-processing. As this debate blooms, Intelligence Squared partners with the Institute of Food Technologists to debate this question: Should We Eat More Processed Foods? 
